[iOS App Practice]#6 musicPlayer (parse iTunes API)

Serena Cheng
彼得潘的 Swift iOS App 開發教室
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Searching for any artist’s name in any language, if the artist does exist, it’ll show you the songs of the artist, which album the song belongs to, and the price of the song. When you tap on the song list, you can listen to that song for about thirty seconds.

* making an API call with URLSession and DispatchQueue
* using IBSegueAction to pass data to the next controller
* creating list with
UITableViewController and UITableViewCell

When you enter the artist’s name, you are searching artist through the iTunes API, and the API returns the song that you can play. I skip the parse API part if you want to know you can refer to my GitHub at the bottom of this page.

There is no sound in the gif files, you can listen to the sound by watching this video.

